T-Shirt Design of mine - 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh dear, it seems I haven't been keeping up with that one-post-a-day resolution I made. Oh well sue me, I've been busy. Well Summer 2010 has officially started and to top it off my Moleskine for the Art House Sketchbook project has arrived! I chose the theme 'This is Not a Sketchbook'...Here's to hoping it'll turn out good.

Oh, I'm off to London on Thursday. Can't wait to hit the exhibitions, shops and the UCA campus! What to do first?!

Ah London, <3 Hopefully I'll be inspired whilst I'm there...this sketchbook isn't going to fill itself.

Au Revoir.

Link to Sketchbook Project : http://www.arthousecoop.com/projects/sketchbookproject